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蛇形弹簧安 全联轴器由于弹簧片与齿弧面是点接触的,所以使联轴器能获得较大的挠性。它能被安装在同时有径向,角向,轴向的偏差情况下正常工作。在安装时候主要遵循以下方法进行:


(2) Correction of radial deviation.Put a ruler on the two-part coupling, measure it every 90°, and check with a ruler, the radial deviation does not exceed 0.38mm.

The temperature of the oil injection point of the serpentine spring coupling is ≥150℃, which can resist the action of centrifugal force. It has separation stability, no impurities, and does not corrode carbon steel and nitrile rubber. The lithium-based grease is better.Adequate grease is important for the work of the serpentine spring coupling, and it is recommended to check it once a year.Use a dry grease gun to inject grease until there is excess grease overflow in the hole.

蛇形弹簧安 全联轴器其主要结构是由两个半联轴节,两个半外罩,两个密封圈及蛇形弹簧片组成。它是靠蛇簧嵌入两半联轴节的齿槽内来传递扭矩,联轴器以蛇形弹簧片嵌入两个半联轴节的齿槽内,来实现主动轴与从动轴的链接。运转时,是靠主动端齿面对蛇簧的轴向作用力带动从动端,来传递扭矩,如此在很大程度上避免了共振现象发生,且簧片在传递扭矩时所产生的弹性变量,使机械系统能获得较好的减振效果。

蛇形弹簧安 全联轴器的蛇簧片和外齿轴套上的弧形齿面,因形状复杂,因此,制造难度大。蛇簧片制造时,不仅需要有较多成形模具,而且尺寸精度上也难达到设计要求。蛇簧的成形,都是在加热状态下,使用模具来达到,然后再热处理,在热处理中,簧片的圆弧处,容易出现微小裂纹等问题。Serpentine spring coupling因为热装是在高温和紧张的状态下进行,故对可能发生的问题,要有充分的估计。

蛇形弹簧安 全联轴器常可能出现的事故包括联轴节轴线撞歪,联轴节撞不进,为防止这类事故,除要在校准轴线、联轴节孔与轴的位置、撞块位置时做到正确无误外,还要注意,撞击点位置要选好,一、二下要轻,待进人一段距离(约1/3)后,方可用力猛击。若确系撞歪,又无法校准时,应再热后拉出,切勿再硬行撞进。撞块滑轮因位置没紧固而向后退、葫芦链条滑下来、燃料不足、火警等,均要事先加以注意。

In order to reduce the breakage of the snake reed, attention should be paid to adjusting the concentricity error and angle error between the two shafts, and the value should be as small as possible than the design requirement.Improve the quality of the spring leaf.Pay special attention to material, hardness, heat treatment quality, etc. After heat treatment, there should be no defects such as cracks, and pay attention to removing sharp corners and sharp edges on the reed and tooth corner); improve the processing quality of arc tooth surfaces.Choose lubricating grease reasonably, not use thinner lubricating oil, but use aluminum disulfide lubricating grease with higher viscosity.To control the load, do not use overload; reduce the frequent effect of braking noise, especially emergency braking.When updating, a new type of elastic rod-pin coupling should be used.

河南蛇形弹簧安全联轴器 陕西蛇形弹簧安全联轴器 

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