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The drum gear coupling should meet the requirements and characteristics

时间:2021-06-16 16:51:08 Author: ever-power transmission Article source: this site Click: 168 times

鼓形齿式联轴器属于刚挠性联轴器,齿式联轴器在工作时,两轴产生相对角位移,内外齿的齿面周期性作轴向相对滑动,必然形成齿面磨损和功率消耗,因此,齿式联轴器需在有良好和密封的状态下工作。鼓形齿式联轴器径向尺寸小,承载能力大,常用于低速重载工况条件的轴系传动,并经动平衡的齿式联轴器可用于高速传动,如燃汽轮机的轴系传动。齿式联轴器是由齿数相同的内齿圈和带外齿的凸缘半联轴器等零件组成。外齿分为直齿和鼓形齿两种齿形,所谓鼓形齿即为将外齿制成球面,球面  在齿轮轴线上,齿侧间隙较一般齿轮大,鼓形齿式联轴器可允许较大的角位移(相对于直齿联轴器),可  齿的接触条件,提高传递转矩的能力,延长使用寿命。有角位移时沿齿宽的接触状态。具有径向、轴向和角向等轴线偏差补偿能力,具有结构紧凑、回转半径小、载能力大、传动、噪声低及维修周期长等优点,特别适用于低速重载工况,如冶金、矿山、起重运输等行业、也适用于石油、化工、通用机械等各类机械的轴系传动。


鼓形齿式联轴器对鼓度曲线有何要求?非共轭齿面的鼓形齿面是由不同端截面逐渐变位相叠而成,其变位量与轴向坐标形成的虚线叫鼓度曲线,鼓度曲线是鼓形齿式联轴器的一项重要几何参数。鼓度曲线多为一段圆弧,也有用三段圆弧的,这些圆称为鼓度圆,在圆弧鼓度曲线中,有鼓度圆  在齿轮轴线上的,不在轴线上的;有鼓度圆 与齿面球面 重合的,也有不重合的,通常设计是都以经验为主,总的来说,
  (1)在轴间倾角处于  大时不出现棱边接触现象;
  (2) The smaller the gear tooth's concentrated load, the better, and the curvature of the tooth surface is proportional to the circumference of the drum, so the drum radius is as large as possible.The curvature radius of the bulge curve is proportional to the single-sided thinning of the internal tooth, so the bulge circle radius should be as large as possible.The radius of curvature of the bulge curve is proportional to the single-sided thinning of the internal tooth, that is, it is related to the meshing gap of the tooth. Insufficient thinning may cause interference, and excessive thinning will weaken the strength of the tooth, and the backlash will be large. .
  The characteristics of drum gear coupling
  1、承载。在相同的内齿套外径和联轴器大外径下,Drum gear coupling的承载能力平均比直齿式联轴器提高15~20%;
  3、鼓形齿面使内、外齿的接触条件 良好,避免了在角位移条件下直齿齿端棱边挤压,应力集中的弊端,同时齿面摩擦、磨损状况,降低了噪声,维修周期长;
  4. The tooth end of the outer gear sleeve is in the shape of a horn, which makes the assembly and disassembly of the inner and outer gears convenient.

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