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Detailed installation tutorial of serpentine spring coupling

时间:2021-05-06 23:33:52 Author: ever-power transmission Article source: this site Click: 98 times

The serpentine coupling is divided into two types, transverse stiffness and variable stiffness, which are mainly determined by the following two shapes and spring contact teeth.
  The serpentine coupling has a straight tooth profile.The distance between the contact points of the serpentine spring and the tooth will not change due to the deformation of the serpentine spring, and the rigidity will not change.The relative rotation angle of the two halves of the coupling is linearly related to the transmitted torque.


  蛇形联轴器具有许多的优良性能,例如:减震性能优,设备使用的时间长;以及可以经受大范围的变动载荷,在工作中起动Safety;还有就是传动效 率 高,工作的状态稳定,运行可 靠;在使用过程中产生的噪音小,润滑性强;结构简单,装拆方便。
  1. Install the sealing ring and half sleeve
  关闭电源,干净地擦拭与联轴器相连的两个轴,然后在半联轴器和密封圈上涂抹润滑脂。将密封圈放在轴上),无需加热冷装快 速接头,而需加热过盈配合。
  3. Install the serpentine spring
  Before installing the serpentine spring, fill the groove between the coupling teeth with long-term lubricant, and then fix the spring on the coupling tooth groove with wood.Gently fasten the teeth of the beating hammer (note that all the gaps in the installation spring point in the same direction, which helps the anti-rotation block to properly contact the cover).Then scrape off any grease on the outside of the spring.Under normal circumstances, refuel every 6 months.
  4. Install the coupling cover
  将联轴器密封环放在轴套上的适当位置,将其插入外壳下半部分的凹槽中,安装垫片,然后安装上盖的上半部分。合上外壳并拧紧螺丝。在联轴器正常工作之前,请确 保所有零件均已正确安装,联轴器已牢固地连接至轴,并且油塞已安装在注油孔中。
  Serpentine spring couplingIt uses serpentine springs divided into one or several groups and is embedded in the teeth on the flange of the two-part coupling to realize the connection of the two halves of the coupling, in order to prevent the serpentine spring from being thrown out under the action of centrifugal force. And to avoid dry friction between the serpentine spring and the tooth contact, it needs to be covered with a closed shell and filled with lubricating oil or grease.

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